Producing reliable results, having energy efficiency, being more sustainable, having a safe and healthy environment for workers. These are objectives sought by all sorts of different companies as they want to be more competitive in the market. One of the main factors that contribute to this is, undoubtedly, the good functioning of the facilities.
In this scenario, a Facility Manager (FM) becomes a necessity. It is he (or she) who will ensure that everything works most efficiently and since the world is constantly changing, it is important to seek the best practices, processes and improvements.
When Facilities Management isn’t properly done, problems quickly emerge, whether it is an equipment malfuncton or poor cleaning of the premises… Everything is very perceptible; however, only a few can understand how it all works.
So, how can we show the importance of Facilities Management? Certainly, the Facilities sector needs to show its deeds, proving that the investment X resulted in Y. A good way to achieve this is through well-structured reports.
In this article, you will find some tips to present your results efficiently. Check them out below!
How important are Facilities Management reports?
The report is a document that provides information on the performance of different sectors or actions within the company. It offers an overview of the results and facilitates decision making.
For this to be possible, the report must be clear and straightforward, bringing the most relevant information in a non-technical language, so that anyone can easily understand it.
Besides showing the results of the Facilities department, a well-prepared report will also help in finding opportunities, improving the use of resources, and tracking data records.
When preparing a report, you need to adopt a method that helps to make communication more assertive. To do this, you can follow a few steps.
But first, check out our complete guide to communication in maintenance & FM!
We compiled 30 ways to improve communication and avoid misunderstandings with your technicians, clients and suppliers. Download the guide now for free and start improving your information flows today.
Now, how do you create Facilities Management reports?
1. Set the goal
Before starting the report, reflect on its goal, on what is expected. This will help you think about what content, data, and analysis will be required.
2. Select the topics
There is no standard method for creating Facilities Management reports. Basically, it will gather data in an organised way, in order for everyone to understand the performance of a certain sector and assist in decision making. Take the following topics as a guide:
- Title (name of the person responsible for the development, their department and delivery date);
- Report goals;
- Summary of the topics to be discussed;
- Logically sequenced content;
- Results with observations and analysis;
- References, stating the source of the data.
3. Reflect on the content
The document template that you will present should follow an arrangement that helps in understanding, such as a chronological sequence, for example.
Adapt the report to the person who will receive it, considering what is important for that person to know. Will it be necessary to insert a more in-depth explanation? Would that data look better in a graph?
Make the report more attractive by making it easier to locate the information through subtitles and an index.
Avoid including unnecessary information and data, as in many cases managers need to evaluate reports from different departments and may not have the time to absorb all the information.
It will also make it easier if you include a conclusion with an analysis and recommendations, explaining how a given investment has achieved the expected result, or how the improvement you are proposing will help the company or employees.
After everything is done, review it carefully. See if all information is presented, if there is no excessive data, grammar or spelling errors, or even erroneous or outdated data. All of this impacts the credibility of the information that is being transmitted.
4. Beware of KPIs
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are essential for creating good Facilities Management reports. They are relevant to the business needs and are a parameter to analyse how close the performance is to the expected result.
When choosing the indicators, you need to consider their relevance, ease of measurement, and analysis. You can use the SMART goal rule:
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Relevant
T – Time-based
All in all, it’s quite important to choose relevant indicators because it will result in better decision making. Another important aspect is to avoid choosing too much data to track. This will not only facilitate your analysis but everyone’s, even those who aren’t involved daily.
5. Make use of the technology
With our routines so ingrained in our lives, it is often challenging to maintain complete focus on many different aspects regarding Facilities Management. This can be a huge challenge when it comes to producing an efficient report that shows its value to your supervisors.
Using an Intelligent Maintenance Management Platform (IMMP) can be a very helpful and time-saving way to gather data in a more precise and agile way.
Always take advantage of good communication, so that Facilities Management is increasingly valued within companies and seen as a strategic tool. Perhaps this recognition is not a reality today, but the more you can show how much you are accomplishing, the more you will be perceived!