Industry 5.0, already? It might seem like Industry 4.0 has just begun, but it’s been 10 years since the German government created its “Industrie 4.0” strategy (or I4.0 for short). So, even though you might think it’s too soon to talk about what comes next, it’s not. Are you prepared for what comes next? Which technologies should you invest in? Is your company up to the challenge? Too many questions, not enough answers.
What is Industry 5.0?
Industry 4.0 used technology to achieve mass production with the least possible waste. Over time, it became synonymous with the“4th Industrial Revolution”, which marks the automation of traditional manufacturing processes using IoT and advanced technology. I4.0’s ultimate goal was establishing autonomous and self-monitoring systems, capable of running themselves without human intervention.
But that’s precisely the problem: taking humans out of the equation. Industry 5.0, based on Japan’s “Society 5.0” has three operative words: resilience, humanity, and prosperity. Instead of using technology just to maximise production, it suggests we should apply it to achieve mass customisation, improve workers’ and customers’ experiences, and build businesses that are able to withstand disruptive events, such as global pandemics.
What’s Maintenance 5.0 all about?
Just like Industry 4.0 was met with Maintenance 4.0, Industry 5.0 requires new changes in our department as well. Maintenance 5.0 also takes a human-centric approach, where software, hardware and people work in harmony. At the same time, the whole process needs to be dematerialised to be controlled remotely.
Of course, none of this is possible with regular Excel sheets or even a common CMMS. We need to move towards customisable platforms, with integration options that fit each company’s operations. External consultants should provide remote support both to build these platforms and to develop effective predictive algorithms.
The combination of these two factors is what will eventually lead us to an even more intelligent brand of maintenance: prescriptive maintenance. Besides, robot co-workers (a.k.a ‘cobots’) will undertake repetitive and risky tasks, providing greater freedom and safety to technicians.
Which technologies enable Industry 5.0 and Maintenance 5.0?
Now, we know how Industry 5.0 and Maintenance 5.0 work in theory. But how do they work in practice? The first thing you should have in mind is that we made incredible technological advances throughout the last 10 years. We don’t need to invent the wheel yet again; we just need to build upon what we already have.
Instead of the Internet of Things (IoT), we’ll have the Internet of Everything (IoE). Instead of Cyber-Physical Systems, we’ll have Cognitive Cyber-Physical Systems, and so on. The advanced technologies that will enable Maintenance 5.0 are the natural (or intelligent) evolution of Industry 4.0’s biggest achievements.
What we shouldn’t forget, however, is that technology is a means to an end. And that end shouldn’t be purely monetary gain, or innovation for the sake of innovation, but improving our well-being and prosperity. Every step forward should reflect positively on your customers’ and technicians’ experiences.
Can’t wait to dive in? We’ve prepared an ebook about Maintenance 5.0 that compiles:
- an overview of Industry 5.0;
- the technologies Industry will rely on;
- the challenges presented by Industry 5.0;
- what to expect and how to prepare for Maintenance 5.0.