Do you recognise the feeling of starting a new episode of a TV series and not knowing what’s going on because you have no context of what happened in the previous one? Often times, it’s useful to have a 30-second recap of the last episode to quickly catch up with the story and contextualise what you’re about to watch.
What if Infraspeak could also give you a smart weekly recap with all the information you need to evaluate your team’s performance and prepare your next week, using all the data it collects daily?
The new Weekly Insights email is one of Infraspeak’s new Artificial Intelligence features.
This new AI feature gives managers a quick overview of their performance each week through a simple, standardised email with relevant information, including:
- The overall status of the equipment failures and an overview of the pending failures;
- A summary of the execution of the scheduled tasks for the past week;
- The amount spent on stock and the most spent items during the week;
- The current number of buildings, equipment, and users managed in your Infraspeak;
- The week’s heroes, in terms of reported and resolved failures;
- A preview of the coming week.
With this information, it’s easier for managers to understand the progress of their teams and operations each week, besides identifying potential problems and highlight the team members with the best performance.
Here’s a full example of this email:
The more data your team inputs on Infraspeak daily, the more reliable these insights will be and the greater the value of this feature for you.
Are you not using Infraspeak yet but would you like to have access to this and other maintenance intelligence features? Talk to one of our specialists!