Our industry is rapidly changing before our eyes, and FM and maintenance professionals must adapt to this paradigm shift with urgency or they risk falling behind.

Constant learning and development is the only way to stay ahead of the game and cement your position. Without everyone taking part in this levelling-up process, we’ll never achieve the solid, resilient dynamics we need. Adaptability and innovation is the only way.

Our response: the IFM Innovators Programme

Produced by  IFM – Intelligence for Maintenance, a global community of FM and maintenance leaders, the IFM Innovators Programme is a totally free, online 4-week course that provides the foundations needed to survive (and indeed, thrive) in the era of Maintenance 5.0. 

IFM believes everyone should have free access to quality resources. The community routinely offers webinars, podcasts and whitepapers to train its members and keep them moving forward. 

The Innovators Programme is another expression of this. The new and improved edition covers the latest critical trends and maintenance challenges facing us today. User-friendly and intuitive, you’ll be hard-pressed to put it down once you start! 

How does the IFM Innovators Programme work? 

It’s easy as 1, 2, 3.

After filling in this form, you’ll receive an email link inviting you to start the course. It’s divided into 4 modules: (1) Innovation; (2) Productivity; (3) Control & Communication Management; (4) State of the Art. Each week, a new module will be shared by email.

“What happens if I don’t finish everything in the first module? Will I still receive the next one to work on?” 

Don’t worry about that! We’ll send you fresh content every week, regardless of whether you finish! You set the rhythm of your learning, you set aside the time you need. After finishing the course, you’ll be provided with a certificate so you can share your achievement and hard work. 

The Innovators Programme will teach you how to:

  • Make your maintenance strategy more productive and profitable with automation.
  • Improve communication between your team, partners and clients.
  • Embrace a more integrated and data-oriented operation.
  • Tackle the biggest challenges and trends in the market today.
  • Prepare for the AI and intelligent technology which is shaping our industry.

Here’s some feedback we’ve received so far:

“It has had a significant impact on my knowledge of new technologies that can streamline work in the maintenance field. This motivates me to explore further and implement some of these programs now.”

“With the perspectives from the courses offered, it’s great for the sectors to come into alignment for a significant improvement in knowledge and values.”

“Excellent for keeping my professional knowledge up-to-date.”

“It will have a profound impact on my future day-to-day.”

“This course has allowed me to learn about innovation in an extensive way.”

“Although I was somewhat unfamiliar with the topics covered, I now have a completely different and more informed idea and approach.”

How much does the IFM Innovators Programme cost?

Sweet nothing. This course is free.

You’ll be provided with over 20 original, detailed pieces of content as well as a bibliography of external resources which you can use to go even further. Even better, there are no requirements to access this course. Simply fill out the form and away you go!

Are you curious? Need more info? We’ve got you covered here.

4 weeks of hard work to get a competitive edge in terms of top-range knowledge and skillsets to serve you for many years to come… seems like a good deal! 

Let’s keep shaping the future, together. 

IFM Innovators Programme
A free 4-week course to get you ready for Maintenance 5.0.