Those who work with large retail clients will understand the giant headache that an external audit can be. Every piece of equipment must be analysed, along with the collection of specific data and measurements, performance reports, comparative tables, registration of non-conforming practices etc.

It is an administrative nightmare for technical managers that can at times feel insurmountable.  Managers need to juggle their daily responsibilities with the preparation of all documents and requirements for the audit, and of course, ensure that the client remains happy with the service provided whilst all this chaos goes on behind the scenes!

However, it is worth remembering that despite the undeniable inconvenience it can cause your company, an audit is ultimately well worthwhile. Audits will support you to ensure high quality services, to keep equipment in good working order and to constantly keep your business focused to a position on providing an optimum customer experience.

To try make sense of all of this, managers would be well advised to do all in their power to facilitate the process and automate operations where possible. Preventive maintenance plans can centralise and simplify some of their preparatory work, and can help managers to collate the information needed by an external auditor.

Another way to ease the burden of preparing for external audits is to integrate internal auditing processes. Internal audits will encourage your staff to maintain high standards at all times and with more regularly updated and collected information and measurements, it will be far easier to prepare for an external inspection.

There are many solutions available for managers to try better track the performance of their equipment, one of the most advanced being the use of NFC (Near Field Communication) technology. Companies such as Infraspeak, have created innovative NFC tags which are placed directly on equipment ready for interaction with the smartphone of a technician, allowing for a far more intelligent data-collection methodology.

Remember: All of this is ultimately geared towards maintaining high standards of service are delivered to the customer and that your equipment and devices are in top condition.